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Health & Fitness Waiver

I, the undersigned, understand that Give Rise Studio offers classes that include yoga postures, mobility, strength, movement, held poses, and breath instruction. As is the case with any form of physical activity, the risk for injury is possible. I understand that these classes are not a substitute for medical attention, treatment, or diagnosis, and I understand that I should consult a physician regarding any concerns I may have prior to starting a new activity program. I understand that there is an inherent risk of injury in any physical activity, and that I have the option to not perform certain activities in this class. I am aware that yoga and movement is an internal process, and I understand that the instructor cannot fully monitor the extent of my participation. If I experience discomfort or pain, I will adjust my body or stop performing the postures and ask for instructor assistance. I understand that it is my responsibility to inform the instructor of any concerns or limitations I have before the start of each class.

I affirm that I alone am responsible for my decision to join these classes, and I legally release the instructor and owner of Give Rise Studio from claims of personal injury and loss or damage to property associated with my choice to participate in these classes.your text

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